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Directorate Of Riverine Infrastructure Will Boost Delta Economic Devt —Mulade

COMRADE Chief Sheriff Mulade is a strong advocate of the necessity to develop the riverine areas of Delta State, an environment crusader in the Niger Delta and President, Center For Peace And Environmental Justice. In this interview conducted by CHARLES EMENI, he commends the Delta State Governor, Rt. Hon Sheriff Oborevwori for establishing the Directorate for Riverine Infrastructure, lists it’s anticipated socio-economic benefits, the tasks before the Directorate/Commissioner, and many more. Excerpts

A couple of weeks ago, the Delta State Government created the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure. Realizing that you’ve been a major voice and an advocate of Riverine community development, could  you please give an overview of the state of development and condition of riverine communities in Delta State before the creation of the Directorate? What was your initial reaction when the news  of the creation of the Directorate got to you?

Thank you. Let me begin by saying that, the level of infrastructural/environmental development in the riverine communities of Delta State is a pitiable one. Even though past governments in the State had tried to do one or two things in the area to help develop that part of the state, the people are suffering and are poor in the midst of wealth. They are in the midst of water, yet they have no good water to drink. The level of educational and health infrastructure is sad, when compared to the wealth the area generates, not only for the State but for the country. However, I congratulate the riverine area people for the creation of the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure by the Governor Sheriff Oborevwori administration.

The agitation/quest for riverine areas development in Delta State is an age-long demand that is long overdue to be. It was because of the contribution of the riverine areas to you economy of Nigeria, via oil and gas that the Federal Government created intervention agencies at different times in the Niger Delta, believing that, the agencies would help bring development to the area as a way of compensating the people for the level of environmental degradation, caused by the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in the area.

Unfortunately, the development has not trickled down to the riverine communities of the State as desired by the people. What we have on ground is, many of the development agencies are in the upland of the Niger Delta, leaving behind riverine communities where the major source of revenue to the nation is domiciled.

Because of this, seven years ago, under former Gov Ifeanyi Okowa, I initiated a call to the State government to prioritize development of the riverine area of the State because of its economic importance. And, I expected that the State government was going to complement what the Federal Government had done, by creating an agency that would speed up the development of the area.

Yes, the former Gov Ifeanyi Okowa administration keyed into the idea, but instead of an agency for the riverine area development, Asaba Capital Territory Development Agency and Warri/ Effurun/ Uvwie Development Agency were created, leaving behind the core riverine communities. I do not see anything wrong in the creation of these agencies in these places, but I found it uncomfortable that the core riverine areas were not taken into consideration. Quite unfortunate indeed.

That made me to engage the services of a consultant to draft a private bill to the then Delta State House of Assembly for consideration, on the need and importance of an Agency for the development of riverine communities in the State. The Bill was submitted to the Assembly, then under the incumbent Gov Sheriff Oborevwori. He was the Speaker.

Thereafter, I followed up on this with several engagements, with the initial assurances that the Bill was going to see the light of day. I recall that Gov Sheriff Oborevwori (The Speaker of the House of Assembly then) was favourably disposed of the Bill but, I’m aware that he also had some constraints in pushing it through.

I also recall that, Pa E. K Clark and his likes added their voice to the Bill, as it was meant to facilitate the development of riverine communities in the State, and I spent millions of naira agitating for it.

Now that Gov Sheriff Oborevwori is in charge, I’m not surprised that he has created the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure, because, even as Speaker of the House of Assembly, the number 3 man in the State, he was favourably disposed to the Bill I submitted for the development of riverine communities.

What does the creation of the Directorate portend to the riverine people of the State, and what are your expectations and those of the people?

The people in the riverine communities of Delta State are immensely grateful to the state Governor, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori for creating the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure. It is indeed a bold step, and we commend his initiative for remembering our long time neglect and suffering.

Because of the long-time neglect of the area and suffering of the people, the Direciorate has a lot of challenges ahead of it. There is so much work to be done in order to fix the naked underdevelopment of area.

First, the Directorate must carry out an assessment tour of the riverine communities to enable it come up with a blue print for the development of the area. The tour will enable it to identify it’s core areas of need for development. I’m one of those who hold the view that the riverine area of the State is like the Netherlands, with a lot of socio-economic potentials and opportunities.

The Commissioner should, therefore, be ready so swing into action by fishing out these potentials for the purpose of beefing up the Internally Generated Revenue of the State. Remember that, aside of oil and gas, the Tourism potentials of the riverine areas of the State are enormous; and are yet to be fully harnessed.

The Commissioner should know that the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure is a special Directorate that requires proper planning and agenda for the development and growth of riverine communities.

He should, therefore, take immediate steps to develop a workable blueprint for the meaningful and fast development of the riverine area of the State, that would not only be a legacy but a reference for whoever would come after him as Commissioner.

I recall that, I once intimated Gov Sheriff Oborevwori on the need to establish the Ministry of Riverine communities. I reminded him that, Lagos State Governor, His Excellency, Babatunde Sanwolu created the Ministry of Waterfront Development, a special Ministry to take care of the needs of riverine communities in Lagos. I also recall that, I intimated Gov Oborevwori on the need to set up the Coastal Areas Development Agency.

So, establishing the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure has, to a great extent answered my prayer and demands for the development of the riverine communities of Delta State. With the creation of the Directorate, Gov Oborevwori has engaged the people in the riverine areas, by giving them a sense of belonging in the State. He has listened to, and answered the call of the riverine people, and so, he deserves commendation.

And what is your word for Gov Sheriff Oborevwori for creating the Directorate?

First, I congratulate Gov Sheriff Oborevwori for emerging the Governor of Delta State, regardless of the pre and post-election challenges; and I thank and appreciate him for finding it worthy to create the Directorate. Like I said earlier, the Directorate will give a sense of belonging to those living in that part of the State.

If the Directorate is adequately funded, it will guarantee peace in the riverine areas. In addition, it will help to address some of the social – economic challenges in that part of the State like youth restiveness/oil pipelines vandalism. Why do I say so? Because the Directorate will give the people a sense of recognition and belonging in governance.

Permit me to remind the Governor here that, the Directorate would turn out to become the catalyst for the development of the economy of Delta State because, it is going to be saddled with three responsibilities.

Beyond development, it is expected to be engaged in Marine activities, in collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation. The Directorate is also expected to work with the International Multinational Oil Companies (IOC) by creating the needed environment for proper engagement with stakeholders for the smooth operations of the IOC’s.

..And what is your agenda for the Directorate and the Commissioner?

The Commissioner for the Directorate, therefore, must consult with relevant stakeholders to enable the Governor to appreciate the benefits of creating it. Beyond that, he must collaborate with the Ministry of Oil and Gas, realizing that all the operations of the IOC’s are domiciled in the riverine area.

The Commissioner must not lose sight of the reality that, a greater part of the land mass of communities in the riverine area is in the waters; and when you talk of waters, you are basically talking about marine, and marine is a huge resource center, with opportunities for any State to grow. It is one of the very important sources of revenue to the Lagos State Government, it can be same for the Delta State Government.

He must also know that, oil and gas are the major sources of revenue for Nigeria. I, therefore, urge him to work round the clock to explore all the opportunities in Marine, Oil and Gas in order to further grow the economy of Delta State. So, he must be up and doing.

And most importantly, while some oil producing states have no oil terminal, River State has one (Bonny Terminal), Bayelsa has one (Brass Terminal), but Delta State is privileged to host two oil terminals (Forcados and Escravos Terminals), that store Nigeria’s crude oil for export. The two terminals are manned by Chevron and Shell in Burutu and Warri South West Local Government Areas of the State. These two terminals that generate huge revenue for Nigeria and Delta State are in the riverine area. So, the Directorate and Commissioner can imagine the magnitude of work and challenges before them.

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