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Friday, October 18, 2024

The Sheriff I Know––Delta First Lady


THE office of the Governor, the very first citizen of a state is definitely not one to be ignored.

The office comes with countless appearances, compulsory availability for significant events, convenient or not.

How about expectations? They come in their numbers and in varied versions. You board a public bus or sit around an eatery, you will hear so much about what the people expect of their Governor.

If the expectations were concise or unanimous, it would not bother so much. But a situation where ev­ery individual, social, economic and ethnic group have their personal ex­pectations on how they expect their Governor to govern, one wonders how many ears the leader has.

If anyone needs to know how a sitting Governor is performing, it is usually not a difficult task.

Listen to the news, read the news­papers, visit the social media and very importantly, go to the drinking joints and before the end of day, you would get a balanced view of the performance assessment of the Governor.

While the public life of a Governor is usually what it is: public, these leaders just like everyone else have their private lives.

They were first humans before be­coming Governors. A Governor was first a son, a sibling before emerging a governor. They are often first hus­bands and fathers before the eleva­tion to first citizens.

Cumbered with loads of files to treat, meetings to attend, projects to commission and so much more, how many actually pause to think about what the family life of a Governor looks like?

Does he have play time with his wife and children just like every other family man?

The Governor of Delta State, Rt Hon Sheriff Obor­evwori is 61 today, a phenomenal age at that.

Don’t you think it would be interesting and insight­ful to take a peep at the family life of the people’s Governor?

How is the Ukodo being prepared and served at home?

His beautiful wife, Dcns Tobore Oborevwori has so much to say about this man who stole her heart away so many years ago and is now leading an entire state.

Several chats with the First Lady reveals one truth that cannot be disputed: Sheriff is very family oriented.

Have you seen how they chat and laugh with each other during events? It is not a show off.

Recently, the wife of the Governor shared and experi­ence that serves as a testa­ment to their bond.

On May 29, the Governor marked his first anniversary in office. The landmark event was celebrated with a num­ber of state activities includ­ing a thanksgiving service at Living Faith Church and a Praise Day at the State Event Center.

In the words of popular King James, ‘Herein lies the story ‘, as narrated by the First Lady. They had ob­viously prepared for the Thanksgiving from the same house.

On getting to the church, the Governor was surprised to see tons of food items that were brought to the church as part of the thanks­giving.

He leaned towards his wife and asked, “Tobo, (as he fondly calls her), how far? while pointing at the food items.

In response, she gave him a knowing smile and explained that she and her women had made arrange­ment for the food items. He was later moved to order that extra bags of rice be added to the items.

The Governor’s wife repeatedly describes her hus­band as ‘Street Credibility ‘, a leader at the heart of his people.

“Even before he became Governor of the state, I have known my husband to be one that has a large heart for the people.

“He is a natural helper and a born leader who puts the needs of the people above himself.

“At home, he is an epitome of humility and love. I and the children are always fond of his presence because there is never a dull moment with him”.

How about the stories leading to their marriage?

Her husband had come seeking her hand in marriage and her mother had declined initially for fear that he might not be capable of taking care of her.

But he kept his stand and continued knocking until the door was eventually opened.

And he has not ceased from loving her with the same vigour and tenacity with which he came knocking.

In her signed birthday message to her husband, where she addressed him as ‘My Ose of life, heartthrob and priceless crown’, she penned,

“Amidst your busy schedule, you still find time for me and the Children, bringing love, laughter and warmth to our home; showing your unwavering commitment to our family, your friends and the people of our dear State. “On this occasion, I wish you a birthday filled with so much excitement, enveloped with affection and appreciation of those you have deeply impacted.

“May this new year bring more accomplishments, blessings and meaningful experiences to you”.

Dcns Oborevwori is an ardent believer in the vi­sion of her husband’s MORE AGENDA.

Her support and encour­agement gave been unwav­ering. She strongly believes that the leadership of her husband will bring light, advancement and joy to Del­tans.

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