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Friday, October 18, 2024

Change Must Begin With Nigerians Not Their Rulers (2)

Our challenge lies in the fact that when opportunities arise to elect leaders who are not part of the corrupt elite using their wealth to manipulate the masses, the majority seem to lose their sense of reason. Instead of seizing the chance for positive change, the majority fall prey to these influences, leaving only a small, principled minority standing against the tide of corruption.

So in Nigeria, from political leadership to other stratum of leadership, leadership is produced by idiots who are the majority and I think this is the problem Plato had with Democracy.

If Jesus Christ comes to contest the Nigerian Presidency with Lucifer in any election, Jesus Christ may not win because only few rationals who are in the minority will vote for him.

While our greedy politicians, upper class civil servants, contractors and their cohorts in the military, police custom, judiciary et cetera are vultures who will never rise up against corruption; they are beneficiaries of the evil system but the people can through resistance though at a grave cost.

For as long as we tolerate them and allow them to get away from their dubious, endemic ineptitude and behavior, the rot like a festered cancerous sour will continue to hunt us in our daily livelihood.

It will hunt the political scene, economy and breed insecurity. Nigeria will change when we collectively put our feet down and insist enough is enough or else, we will continue to live in the circle of deceit that we have found ourselves.

We must say no to poor leadership and yes to good leadership, and when presented with an opportunity, we vote in accordance with our conscience not by consideration of what we are given to alter our choice. Solutions to our problems lies with Nigerians not a few bigots and vultures.

Until we stop corruption, nepotism and tribalism our collective common wealth will be puerile. We have so many problems as a nation but whether insecurity or economic the people have a role in making these challenges a past reality, there is endemic poverty in the land caused by the few lords who milk our resources for their gains.

The cost of fuel and dearth of the refineries has worsened the standard of living of the common man. There is massive unemployment and increase of crimes is the best alternative. There is no electricity and nothing seems to be working and the dire consequence is death or survival but yet, many have resigned to fate and until we collectively say no to be used as a conduit pipe, until we rebel against the social ills confronting us as a people and resolve to never go back to Egypt, we would remain in the stagnant waters of slavery that had held us down as a people.

The Europe many run to is not better than Nigeria but it is better because their people crave for a better society and that’s how it became attractive to all. Why can’t we make Nigeria great as Europe? Good leadership is beneficial but there cannot be good leadership without a good fellowship and a good people. A good leadership is a product of a good society. We cannot expect better roads when those who award such roads and the contractors who execute them are corrupt and pursue personal interest above general good.

We cannot have a functional health system when medical doctors and health workers are concerned with personal interest and are corrupt. We cannot have a good security system when those in charge are moles. Collectively we cannot have a good society when the people who should be the watchdog of our common wealth are indifferent and unconcerned. How can we have economic boom and political stability when the people are unaware of their roles?

We engage security to safeguard our economic assets but who monitor these security actors? The good people we have has resigned to fate and the last strength to say no to the plagues befallen the nation is lost.

We must insist on good leadership in our individual homes as a government and as a people, there is no alternative from the dire situation we found ourselves. We must be guided by discipline and morals in impacting such values on our young minds, we must say no to any immoral acts because such immorality leads to corruption.

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