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Friday, October 18, 2024

Newton Jibunoh: Celebrating Impactful Journey Of An Octogenarian Environmental Warrior


TURNING 30 is no small milestone. It marks a clear transition from the carefree days of youth into the more measured, thoughtful terrain of adulthood. At 30, one is no longer viewed as a mere youngster but as a man or woman of substance, poised on the edge of something greater.

Throughout history, the age of 30 has been regarded as a significant turning point, a year of destiny. It’s the age when individuals step into their purpose and begin to shape their legacy. Consider the biblical figures: Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob, rose from the depths of slavery at 30 to become the Prime Minister of Egypt, saving entire nations from famine.

Likewise, Saul was crowned Israel’s first king at the age of 30, followed by David, who assumed the throne at the same age. And, of course, Jesus Christ began His ministry at 30, embarking on a mission that would change the course of history.

Much like these figures, The Pointer Newspaper is at the cusp of its own monumental milestone this October 28th, as it turns 30 years old. Since its inception in 1994, The Pointer has remained a steadfast pillar of the Delta Printing and Publishing Corporation (DPPC), delivering credible, community-centered journalism across Delta State and beyond. Surviving and thriving in the media industry for three decades is no small feat; it speaks to the outlet’s ability to evolve, stay relevant, and continue to hold true to its core values in an ever-changing world.

And what better figure to grace this significant anniversary  as a lifetime accomplishment award winner, than the legendary Dr. Newton Jibunoh, the acclaimed “Desert Warrior”?

Through his foundation, the Fight Against Desert Encroachment (FADE), Dr. Jibunoh has spent his life tackling desertification and protecting the environment and culture with the same unwavering dedication that The Pointer has brought to safeguarding the integrity of its journalism.

In recognition of his lifelong commitment to environmental conservation and his tireless efforts to combat desertification, Dr. Jibunoh will be honoured with a lifetime creativity achievement award at the event. His legacy, much like The Pointer’s own, stands as an ode to perseverance, purpose, and the power of impactful work.

Internationally celebrated for his environmental and cultural conservation efforts, Dr Jibunoh’s influence extends far beyond Nigeria’s borders.

The parallels between The Pointer Newspaper and Dr. Jibunoh are hard to miss. Both are bound by their relentless commitment to defending what matters most: The Pointer, the truth, and the community it serves; Dr. Jibunoh, the advocacy and preservation of the very same.

Like The Pointer informing, engaging, and challenging its readers, Dr.Jibunoh has  been standing tall, a bulwark against environmental collapse, embodying perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds.As the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Amina Mohammed aptly put it in Dr. Jibunoh’s autobiography Hunger For Power: “Newton Jibunoh is a force of nature.” Often described as a “Desert Warrior”, this accomplished building engineer is as relentless as they come, dogged, determined, and fiercely purpose-driven.

At 86, when many would have long retired, Dr. Jibunoh shows no sign of slowing down. His legendary expeditions across the Sahara Desert have cemented his status as a true adventurer. Starting in 1966, he undertook a solo journey from London to Lagos across the desert, and repeated the feat in 2000 and again in 2008, the latter with a team of five fellow desert warriors.

Dr. Jibunoh, formerly the Managing Director and CEO of Costain (West Africa), later became Chairman before his retirement in 2006. His legacy continues through FADE, Nigeria’s leading environmental NGO, which focuses on fighting desertification and tackling its related issues, climate change, migration, poverty, and conflict.

Trained in the Science of Desertification at Ben-Gurion University in Israel, Dr. Jibunoh has represented Nigeria at countless international summits on climate change.

His work has earned him the title of Emeritus Ambassador of the Environment for Lagos, and his passion extends into the arts, with the founding of Nigeria’s first private museum, DIDI Museum, in 1983. The museum promotes indigenous Nigerian art and serves as a catalyst for social change, environmental education, and a renaissance of African culture.

Dr. Jibunoh’s adventures, particularly his solo desert crossings, were globally covered by major media outlets, including CNN. He has also pioneered projects like the Desert Warriors Reality Show to engage young people in environmental causes, and his Annual School Tree Planting Competition in Northern Nigeria has garnered state support, especially in Kano State.

To mark his 75th birthday, Dr. Jibunoh initiated a tree-planting event that sparked an environmental trend across Nigeria, culminating in the establishment of the Nelson Mandela Garden of 95 Trees in Asaba, Delta State. A philanthropist at heart, Dr. Jibunoh’s contributions stretch from scholarships for disadvantaged students to support for people with visual and physical disabilities. He continues to write prolifically on matters of national development, the environment, and cultural preservation, freely sharing his insights without seeking fame or political office.His commitment to Nigeria remains unshakeable, as does his resolve to preserve the land and heritage of his beloved Anioma people.

For over four decades, Dr. Jibunoh has been a fierce advocate for Anioma, fighting against land grabs and corruption. His passion is not just for the soil but for the survival of a people whose identity is intertwined with their land.

Recently installed as the Nna Omu of Anioma, he continues to push for the protection of its cultural and environmental heritage, undeterred by threats even to his life or opposition to his views and visions.

In fact, he stressed, “I’m nearly 87; I’ve lived a good life, and I won’t back down, even if they attack me. This battle is about our land, our heritage, and our identity.” Words of a tested warrior indeed!

Expressing his deep connection to Anioma, Jibunoh remarked, “Anioma is not merely land; it embodies our heritage, a testament to our identity. Having traversed the globe, I can confidently say I have yet to encounter soil as rich, fertile, and inviting as that of Anioma. Our land has nourished us for generations, thriving without artificial enhancements, thanks to our traditional land management and shifting cultivation practices.

“This land, paired with our vibrant culture, the Akwaocha traditional attire, and our distinctive dances, is what defines us. We are a peaceful and welcoming people, with over 90% of our communities engaged in farming, making Anioma a cornerstone of our community’s food basket.”

While he is renowned for many achievements, to the Anioma people, his message will resonate for generations: “We must remain steadfast. We cannot barter our birthright for fleeting gains. Our communities require a clear vision for the future, and we must hold accountable those seeking to acquire our lands.“If we neglect this responsibility, we may one day awaken to find our heritage utterly erased. I refuse to give up, and neither should the Anioma Community. This is our land, and it is worth fighting for.” As The Pointer Newspaper marks its 30th anniversary, we can reflect on some journey rich with purpose and influence, much like the path carved by Dr. Newton Jibunoh in 86 years. Both have transcended their beginnings to become stalwarts in their fields, demonstrating that age is merely a number, not a boundary.

While The Pointer Newspaper has steadfastly delivered truth and community-centered journalism, Dr. Jibunoh has championed environmental and cultural preservation with the heart of a warrior and the wisdom of a sage.

As we celebrate his legacy, one thing is clear: in the hands of visionaries like Dr. Jibunoh, the journey presses on, an ode to the timeless dance of purpose, consistency, and passion that defies age and outlasts time.

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