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Monday, March 31, 2025

Difference Between Education, Ignorance And Illiteracy (1)

WHEN you hear the phrase “Education is a Scam” you definitely know where it is coming from, Education came from the Greek word ‘Educo’ meaning to lead, and one who leads others must not be ignorant, must be amorally conscious, must personify human good and conscience, such an educated person must be incorruptible and must not be slave to money, nei­ther will he allow money to control him rather he controls his environment. Education means light over darkness, it means self-awareness to self and society, when educated people populate a society, crime is minimized and the rule of law reign su­preme and that’s why the Greek city state of Athens put much emphasis on education because without educated citizenry, governance becomes difficult, immorality sprouts and recklessness prevails in such a society just as we have in Nigeria.

Education is not merely knowing how to read and write, it is beyond this, illiteracy is versatile because it is beyond reading and writing in Eng­lish language, just as you cannot regard a Chinese, Portuguese or anyone who understands our local language as illiterate, so it is with the English per­son who cannot understand other foreign and our local languages, thus the English person though literate in English may be illiterate in French, Chinese and our local languages just as our locals may be illiterate in English language and other foreign languages but not in their local dialects, so illiteracy is subjective. If however, civilization is the ability to live in peace with one’s neighbor and contribute positively to society, in this vein our ancestors though could not speak foreign languages, they were literate in their languages and civilized because peace, law, understanding and order strived in their society.

Unlike the generation of today, ignorance and illiteracy strives, immorality canonized and fraud laced with crime is the order of the day as it is celebrated, this is the greatest undying of society today, we have a youthful society who know it all and even claim their parents are ignorant, it is a copycat society that puts much emphasis on immorality rather than morality, it is a youthful population of vampires that are into drugs abuse with high rate of insanity among the youths in our society, it is a large chunk of our population that wants to be Americans even though they are blacks, they want to be British and represent a mockery side of our population and orientation, they want to go naked in our streets, exposing their anatomic features, they colour their hairs white to look like foreign stars they imitate, the fate of our girls and married women is not different, these women with their crude open dressing that fails test of decency, openly lure many to rape them sexually. The young girls keep several multiple partners for money not love just as several married women also date men to fund their laxative lifestyle, prostitution is therefore a tool of social contact and economic sustainability.

Ignorance is pervasive and that’s why the type of Democracy we operate is crude, with violence and using the executive to subvert will of the people, this has filtered down the stratum of society that only the fittest survives and many feel it is good to try and even get killed in the process. If you are unlucky in doing anything unorthodox to get wealth but this mentality drives our youths. The youths or woman of today is black in colour, hav­ing all the features of the black race but lost in his culture, history, orientation and background, they want to be Europeans and lost in this desperation, they want to dress like Europeans but this group are the uneducated among us, they are ignorant, looking very inferior in thoughts and estimation and they think by shampooing their hairs white, getting nude in public, putting on gold necklace on their neck and legs like slaves, with colony of rings is their four out of five fingers, will give them value they crave to get before others, even with their empty heads which they use expensive foreign wigs to cover.

To be continued.

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