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Sunday, October 20, 2024

Effects Of Fuel Price Increase On Students

Nigeria’s rising inflation is dampening the country’s economic growth and eroding consumer purchasing power due to increase in price of basic amenities like cost of transportation.

Academic staff and students in Nigeria are feeling the impact of the hike in the pump price of petrol as the cost of living in an already inflated economy continues spiraling with some institutions even introducing hybrid teaching to cushion travel expenses for students and staff.

Students in tertiary institutions have been badly hit by the Increase of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) also called petrol and its resultant increase in the price of other goods and services. Nigeria students has continued to condemn the hike in the petroleum prices, lamenting the devastating affects it has had on their welfare.

Students are another group that is affected by the removal of the fuel subsidy, as they have continued to pay more for transportation to and from school. Many students depend on public transport or private vehicles to get to school, which have become more expensive due to the higher cost of fuel.

Some students may or have to dropped out of school or defer their studies since they cannot afford the transportation costs. Some students also have to cope with poor learning conditions, such as inadequate facilities, overcrowded classrooms and frequent power outages, as schools struggle to provide quality education with limited resources.

It could be contended that, from the moral, political, social and economic perspectives, an objectives and critical analysis of the ever worsening situation in the country points to the failing factors on the part of the current leadership, to live up to its constitutional mandate and public expectation in providing the needs of the citizens.

The inflation of price commodities is damaging the economic growth and consumer purchasing power due to increase in price of basic amenities like cost of transportation, foodstuffs, household stuff etc.

The recent surge in fuel price goes beyond just making live more expensive for students, it creates cascading effects that touches nearly every aspect of their lives. Student in tertiary institutions have been badly hit by the recently increased price of petrol and its resultant increase in price of goods  and services. Students has continued to lament the sky-rocketed increment in petrol prices because it is affecting their studies seriously, not just their studies but including their well-being, when a student cannot afford certain things, they keep worrying on how to make ends meet and this can also take a toll on their mental health, sleep and overall well-being.

In fact, this has imported devastating moment in the welfare of the students which in turn affects their academic activities in various ways, many students rely on part-time job to make ends meet, with the increase of transportation, the money they get may not stretched that far. This can force them to take on more jobs, leaving less time for studies ,thereby creating a circle of stress and exhaustion.

Students in university campuses around the country are presently in agony, they are tired and are losing hope in Nigeria leaders who they see as not ruling to expectations. As a leader who is being voted for by the citizens, if you cannot help to better the country then leave it as it was. Many lecturers are unable to fuel their cars and some school managements unable to power the school premises as a result of high price of fuel. A measured bottle of kerosene costs roughly #2000. Imagine, this has made me re-think any culinary activities I might have in mind. For instance, to cook two cups of rice you need to buy half bottle of kerosene costing about #1000.

How does one cope daily with expenses, considering the fact that some students only rely on feeding allowance from parents which sometimes might not even be enough for their upkeep. Parents are really putting in their best to provide for their children. After working really hard to get  money, unfortunately the hard earn money seems to be of no value.

Recently, I bought some groceries at a store, I was shocked to see how the price of some food items had increased overnight, when I queried the seller, she attributed it to the petrol price increase. Honestly, this is becoming unbearable on the lives of students. Many students now consider two meals a day as luxury, which only ‘rich kids’ can afford.

The rate of attendance of both students and lecturers to classes has reduced in most institutions due to the increase in fuel price, even buses designated for shuttling within the campuses have also increase their fares. The hardship is unbearable, we are either compelled to pay almost double of the fare we used to pay, or we have to walk some distance to school from the university gate and even from our homes.

Now, some students are being selective in attending lectures because the cost of transportation is becoming unbearable, it is quite frustrating when one is yet to get something to eat ,yet the transportation cost continues to increase and this is also affecting the cost of goods and services. The indirect effect of fuel price increase impact on the supply chain is  by affecting the prices of goods and services for which fuel enters in the production. The extent to which the rise in production cost translates into higher consumer prices depends on producers behaviour and product market structure.

“As a student, I must say nothing is working perfectly as a result of the high price of fuel. I implore we the Nigerian youths to participate and be politically active in Nigeria’s politics, because the politicians we call leaders will define our destiny if we continue to be in political apathy’’.

Conversely, I implore the Federal Government to subsidize the price of petrol, because its multiplier  effects are overwhelming and harsh on the lives of students who have eke out a living while still learning. I am appealing to the federal government of Nigeria to please come to our aid and find a lasting solution to the incessant increase in petrol price as this tends to make communities and studying difficult for the students who are on and off campus.

To this end, I  sincerely call and appeal to the President to devise measures to mitigate the insufferable and untold economic hardship the students and the entire nation are faced with. Something urgent should be done about this situation.

BY: Okwuobodo Anita Opeyemi. (Student)

English And Literary Department, Delta State University, Abraka

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