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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Enhancing Quality Of Education In Nigeria


THE major word ‘Certificate’ quali­fies that you are done with school. Being in school for four years and grading out with fake certificates shows that the school is not capable of taking education reliable. They put words in the mouths of people that ‘School is a Scam’. And also a waste of time. Many students run to the university without even knowing its source. The aim to achieve due to several years of taking UTME and not getting admitted to the university has caused many impatient Nigerians to just go for any university without knowing their standard.

It was fitting enough for the govern­ment to sack Benin Republic officials due to the offence they were charged with. If they were capable of doing their jobs to the required standard, the gov­ernment would not think to terminate their performance and knowledge act in education by giving fake certificates. The Minister of Education of Benin Republic is yet to speak against the fake certificates that were given to the students.

Facts on student understanding and reliability are very crucial in aspects of education. In order to have the ability to think wisely, it is essential to have a strong foundation in education. During stages of interviews or conferences, stu­dents should be able to meet the targets of studying and be well-spoken outside of the educational setting.

Education provides individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their chosen careers, while also fostering personal growth and development. Additionally, education helps individuals develop a sense of humour and social skills, which are es­sential for building strong relationships and achieving success in life.

Lecturers with low levels of educa­tion should be encouraged to pursue further education, such as PhDs and master’s degrees, to bring more value to the education system in Nigeria. Students should be able to look up to their lecturers as role models and draw inspiration from their expertise to suc­ceed in their academic pursuits.

The government should ensure that only lecturers with higher degrees, such as PhDs and master’s degrees, are employed to work in universities. This is crucial to the quality of education. For instance, when a final-year student puts into practice what he has learned during four years of study in university, he should be able to dem­onstrate a high level of competence and expertise.

By having lecturers with higher degrees, students will be able to benefit from their knowledge and experience, which will ul­timately enhance the quality of education in Nigeria.

To address the issue of fake certificates and prove that education is not a waste of time, the government should focus on improving the education system rather than just sacking officials from the Benin Republic. This can be achieved by employ­ing well-trained lecturers in universities, which would encourage Nigerians to stay and study in the country. The government has already taken steps to address the is­sue of fake certificates by suspending the evaluation and accreditation of degree certificates from Benin Republic and Togo. Additionally, by investing in education and providing quality lecturers, the government can help restore the value of education and make it more attractive for Nigerians to stay and study in the country.

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