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False Fathers: Uncovering Nigeria’s Growing Paternity Fraud Crisis


In a society where lineage is paramount and family bonds are highly valued, a recent report has shaken the foundations of trust in Nigeria.

Ranked second only to Jamaica, the country faces an alarming surge in paternity fraud cases. This comes on the heels of a shocking revelation from Smart DNA, a leading DNA testing center in Lagos, which revealed that 27% of paternity tests returned negative results.

This means that more than one in four men who sought to confirm their child’s paternity were met with the crushing news that they were not biological fathers.

But what is paternity fraud, and why is it causing such an uproar?

Paternity Fraud

Paternity fraud happens when a woman deceives a man into believing he is the father of her child, even though she knows the biological father is someone else. This deception can last for years, with men unknowingly investing time, love, and resources into children who aren’t theirs biologically.

The truth often surfaces after a DNA test, sometimes prompted by suspicion, other times out of mere curiosity. Imagine the devastation of discovering that the child you’ve cherished, nurtured, and sacrificed for is not biologically yours. The emotional toll is immense, rippling through the family, often leaving the children caught in a confusing whirlwind of revelation and betrayal.

DNA, the building block of life, plays a central role in determining biological relationships. Through a simple comparison of genetic markers between a child and a potential father, a paternity test provides over 99% certainty, eliminating any doubt. This scientific certainty has turned DNA testing into both a beacon of truth and a bearer of painful revelations. For some men, the results bring peace of mind; for others, it shatters their world.

The consequences of paternity fraud are severe. Men, who have invested emotionally and financially in a child, often experience shock, anger, and an overwhelming sense of betrayal. The blow is not just financial, though many try to recover child support payments but deeply personal. The realization forces them to question their role, identity, and value within the family. For many, the emotional scars are hard to heal.

Meanwhile, the children, innocent bystanders in this deception, face their identity crisis. Finding out that the person they’ve always called “Dad” isn’t their biological father can leave them feeling abandoned and confused. The family dynamic is irreversibly altered, leaving children grappling with questions about where they truly belong.

As for the women who commit paternity fraud, their justifications range from financial security to fear of social stigma or uncertainty about the biological father’s identity. However, once the truth is uncovered, they are left dealing with the wreckage of broken trust, public shame, and, in some cases, legal consequences. Their actions often shatter the carefully crafted façade of their relationships, leaving all involved parties reeling.

The ripple effect of paternity fraud doesn’t stop at the nuclear family. Extended family members may take sides, friendships may sour, and the overall trust within the family unit can be irreparably damaged. The emotional strain is often too much for families to bear, leading to long-lasting fractures.

The Personal Stories of Paternity Fraud

This rise in paternity fraud has ignited a broader conversation about moral decay in society. Many argue that the increase in infidelity and deceit reflects a loss of values, where the sanctity of marriage has eroded under the weight of a culture that often glorifies infidelity.

One heart-wrenching example is the case of a Nigerian man who, after his wife’s death, casually decided to undergo a DNA test, only to find out that neither of the two children he had raised was his. His anonymous plea for advice on social media echoed the sentiments of many men facing similar revelations: “I am 36 years old. Please, advise me,” he wrote.

In another string of posts on that anonymous thread, another Facebook user, who claimed to be living in the United Kingdom, said he only found out that his three kids were not his at the embassy when he wanted to move his family to the UK.

He wrote, “It was a rude shock to me when I found out that my three lovely kids were not mine. Three beautiful girls. I went mute for two weeks and almost died by suicide. But, after a long thought, I processed their visas regardless and moved them to the UK on a visit visa, which I renewed. “As for their mother, we ended things the same day.”

In another related development, a Nigerian doctor on Twitter known as Dr.PenKing shared a story of how a man undergoing vasectomy found out that the three kids he called his were not biologically his.

The doctor said the man contacted him in February 2022 for a consultation about getting a vasectomy done and was assured of how safe the procedure was.

After welcoming three kids, the couple decided that they were done with having kids.The doctor said he was astounded when the patient shared a DNA test result sheet with him, which showed that all three children were not his.

Even celebrities aren’t immune. Afrobeat icon, Femi Kuti revealed in 2014 that a DNA test had proved two of his children were not his. Popular comedian and podcaster,ChineduAni, known as Nedu, also faced a similar revelation when a DNA test revealed that his first son was fathered by another man. His ex-wife, Uzoamaka Ohiri, claimed she hadn’t known either and defended her actions by blaming Nedu’s insecurity for the test.

These stories of betrayal and heartbreak are endless, each highlighting the devastating impact paternity fraud has on both men and children. But beyond personal stories, the problem is a reflection of broader societalissues.

Many Children Fathered By Uncles, Relatives – Uche

The Chairman of a Delta-Based Non-profit, Family Values, Renaissance, and Empowerment Initiative, Ambassador Tina Uche, noted that the very concept of paternity has shifted over time. In her words: “Historically, once a dowry was paid, any child born by the woman was considered legitimate. The concept of paternity tests or accusations of infidelity didn’t exist.

“Today, however, the situation is vastly different.Many individuals were fathered by uncles or other relatives. We are seeing an increase in cases related to infidelity and paternity testing.

“In some cases, modern women may marry for reasons other than love, possibly due to financial pressures or societal expectations.

As a result, they may have children with someone else while being married to another person. The statistics on this issue are indeed troubling and reflect a very real societal problem,” she added.

When asked whether legal consequences for infidelity could help address the issue, she expressed skepticism. “While it may have worked in other countries, enforcing such laws in Nigeria would be extremely challenging,” she said.

Men Shouldn’t Feel Ashamed To Request Paternity Tests- Nwokedi

Nigeria’s legal landscape is still grappling with the increasing number of paternity fraud cases.

Family lawyer, BarrUche Nwokedi explained the legal struggles involved in seeking justice for paternity fraud.

“Paternity fraud occurs when a mother deliberately misleads a man into believing he is the biological father of her child, despite knowing otherwise. Legally, this constitutes fraud, particularly when the man has invested emotionally and financially in the child’s upbringing.

“The real challenge, however, lies in how the courts address these cases, considering the sensitive nature of family dynamics and children’s welfare. Also, paternity fraud is not explicitly addressed under Nigerian law, making it difficult for victims to navigate the legal process,” she said.

She continued, “If a man suspects he isn’t the biological father of a child, he has the right to request a paternity test through the court. However, initiating such a process can strain personal relationships.

“In many cases, men raising suspicions face emotional backlash from their partners or families, and societal pressure can make pursuing the truth even more difficult. Legally, though, a DNA test remains the most straightforward method to confirm paternity.”

Prevention, she emphasized, requires both legal reform and a shift in societal values. “While legal changes are undoubtedly necessary, the conversation must begin within families and communities. Honesty and transparency in relationships should be encouraged, and men should not feel ashamed or hesitant to request paternity tests. Clear communication about these matters can prevent long-term emotional trauma.”

Nwokedi stressed the importance of seeking legal advice early. “Emotions are heightened in cases of paternity fraud, so it’s critical to have a lawyer guide you through the complexities of family law.

“Above all, it’s essential to prioritize the emotional well-being of the child, who is often the most affected by these revelations.

“While the legal system can help, every case is unique, and the best outcomes are those that strike a balance between justice and compassion.”

Excommunication Does Not Solve Infidelity Issues – Agbonkhehi

In an interview with The Pointer, Pastor Charles Agbonkhehi of the Living Faith Church in Abuja weighed in on the issue, saying, “This is not just a crisis of paternity, it’s a crisis of values. Marriage, which is meant to be a sacred covenant before God, is now being treated like a mere contract by too many people.

“Infidelity is just a symptom of a deeper spiritual and moral decay. What we need is a return to the biblical principles of fidelity and trust that once anchored our society.”

Pastor Agbonkhehi continued, “It’s not so much that paternity fraud is more common now, but that people are more aware of it. In the past, there wasn’t the same vigilance. Trust was stronger, and verifying paternity was not a concern for most. As awareness grows, we see more cases coming to light because people are actively checking and reporting these issues.

“But we also have to recognize that societal changes play a big role. As our culture evolves, certain vices like infidelity can become more prevalent, especially as traditional values erode. Without the foundational teachings of our culture and faith, some people may not even realize the seriousness of paternity fraud.”

He explained further how the church should handle issues of paternity fraud, “How the church responds to these issues varies based on the interpretation of scripture and the stance of its leadership. Historically, the Bible provides examples of how wrongdoing was addressed, but today’s approach by religious leaders may differ.

“I believe in the power of education and prevention. Teaching people the consequences of their actions on families, children, and society can be far more effective than punitive measures. If paternity fraud occurs, reconciliation should be the goal, not excommunication. Jesus emphasized reconciliation over condemnation, and I think that’s the approach we should take.”

Pastor Agbonkhehi isn’t alone in his assessment. The erosion of traditional values is a common refrain among those grappling with the implications of these findings. The changing landscape of relationships, where the pursuit of personal happiness sometimes trumps commitment and loyalty, has made it easier for infidelity to take root.

The issue of paternity fraud reveals a deeper moral crisis in society, as the sanctity of marriage and trust in relationships continue to deteriorate. While DNA tests provide clarity, they also open wounds that may never fully heal.

As the rise of paternity fraud shakes the core of family structures and trust, it serves as a sobering reminder that no amount of scientific certainty can mend broken hearts or restore fractured bonds.

DNA may reveal the truth, but it cannot unravel the layers of betrayal, confusion, and pain left in its wake. The issue stretches beyond the courtroom or the hospital, highlighting a crisis of values in modern relationships.

Perhaps the real test lies not just in biology or law, but in how society rebuilds trust, reinforces the sanctity of marriage, and redefines the meaning of family in a world where truth is both liberating and devastating.

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