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Friday, October 18, 2024

Leveraging Tech For Youth Devt

NUMEROUS platforms now offer educational programs and boot camps in these crucial disci­plines, forging a strong link between youth development and technological prowess. STEM education not only enhances employability but also aligns young people with the evolving de­mands of the labor market. The increas­ing internet penetration in Nigeria, which reached 122.5 million users and 55.4% of the population by early 2023, offers a significant opportunity to amplify youth education through digital solutions.

Among young Nigerians, digital media enhances issue awareness, promotes literacy, and improves ac­cess to healthcare. This digital engage­ment lays the groundwork for a more informed, skilled, and resilient youth population, poised to lead Nigeria into a prosperous future. According to data from the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics, only approximately 22% of schools in Nigeria have access to computers and the internet. This starkly low figure is mainly due to financial constraints within the education sector and a lack of substantial government investment in public institutions. Such underin­vestment hinders the ability of Nigerian schools to compete with their interna­tional counterparts. Addressing this gap in ICT infrastructure is crucial, as it holds the potential to significantly up­lift the nation’s educational standards and contribute to broader societal ben­efits. Enhanced access to technology in schools can play a pivotal role in eradi­cating poverty by equipping students with essential digital skills needed in today’s job market. It can also raise the quality of education, fostering a more informed and skilled populace.

Moreover, better educational re­sources promote good governance by creating an enlightened citizenry that can hold leaders accountable. Increased investment in educational technology could lead to job creation within the tech sector, reduce crime through im­proved socioeconomic conditions, and bolster national security by providing youth with constructive pathways and reducing the allure of criminal activi­ties. A few years ago, Nigeria launched 5G technology, a move expected to sig­nificantly enhance the socio-economic landscape and foster inclusive growth across the nation. According to the lat­est GSMA Mobile Economy report, the integration of 5G could potentially add an impressive $2.2 trillion to Africa’s economy by 2034. This technological advancement, coupled with Nigeria’s youthful population, has set the stage for numerous opportunities aimed at improving the quality of life and raising living standards.

For the first time, the vision of accessi­ble, affordable, and inclusive healthcare and education is within reach.

However, accelerating the deploy­ment and adoption of 5G is crucial for empowering various segments of the population, from unemployed youth to the vulnerable elderly. This technologi­cal leap necessitates the upskilling of millions of professionals and educators to ensure they meet global standards and adopt the latest methodologies in their fields. The widespread connec­tivity enabled by 5G facilitates remote learning and working, bridging gaps in service delivery and skill acquisition.

The upcoming Dr. Fola Aina Annual Colloquium on Youth, Leadership, and Nation Building, organized by the Triola Aina Foundation, will be a significant event in December 2024. This collo­quium will spark important discussions around youth development and leader­ship, highlighting the transformative role of technology in national advancement. It will gather young leaders, visionaries, and change-makers from across Nigeria to explore and strategize on pressing is­sues, positioning technology as a corner­stone for driving the nation’s progress.

Acquiring digital skills transcends individual progress; it is pivotal to forg­ing a digitally inclusive, innovative, and sustainable future for Nigeria. To achieve this, collaboration among governments, educational institutions, the private sec­tor, and civil society is essential to make digital literacy a cornerstone of Nigerian youth’s education.

This collective effort is crucial in providing young people with the tools they need to effectively navigate the digital world, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and actively contribute to building a greener, safer, and more prosperous Nigeria. By committing to this goal, we can empower our youth to drive transformative change and ensure that Nigeria remains competitive and resilient in the global digital economy.

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