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Oborevwori, The Making Of A Leader ––Okorodudu


DELTA State Governor, Rt. Hon. (Elder) Sheriff Oborevwori clocks 61 today. Although the story of his journey to success has been told overtime, there is a version you may never have read, which we bring to you, fresh and hot on the special occasion of the Governor’s birthday as “The Making of a Leader”, by Chief (Dr.) Ebenezer Okorodudu, currently Chairman of the Board of Delta Printing and Publishing Corporation (DPPC), publishers of The Pointer Newspapers, the man who should know better than most, his uncommon journey of service, having served as Political Adviser and later, Chief of Staff to Rt. Hon. Oborevwori as Speaker of Delta State House of Assembly. It is as no-holds-barred as it is refreshing and entertaining, the very spice fitting for this special birthday commemoration. Excerpts

The Chairman Board of Directors, Delta Printing and Publishing Corporation (DPPC), Olorungun Dr. Ebenezer Okorodudu

Can you tell us as far back as what period in time you knew the man who is now the Executive Governor of Delta State? Perhaps you knew him from his youthful days, his family, parents, siblings, the kind of environment he grew up and how that helped to shape his character and outlook in life, then you shall be able to say those things about him that the public may not know or have read about him?

I knew him in 2001, but wasn’t that close to him untill 2015. But I had so much admiration for him as a very vibrant youth who had a great sense of purpose and clear direction. With his God given character, he contributed greatly to the development of what we have today as Osubi Town. As the chairman of Osubi community, he did so much in the establishment, construction and development of Osubi Airport. His record of achievements in Osubi as the community chairman is so outstanding. He was once a councilor in the old Okpe Local Government Area where he performed creditably well. Throughout his youthful age, he strived to promote development of his community and fought against injustice. It was the desire to promote development and well-being of his people that made him to get involved in active politics. With his strong commitment to the development of his community and the well-being of his people coupled with the fact that he has a culture of respect for elders and carries the younger ones along, I knew that he will go far in his political life.

He is a man with uncommon grace. For one to be a Speaker, you have to be a ranking member of the House of Assembly. That is you must be at least in a second tenure in the House. But he broke the jinx, he became a Speaker as a first timer, barely a year and half into his first term at the House. Because of his God given wisdom and charisma, he was able to manage the affairs of the House creditably for six years. He was the longest serving Speaker of the DTHA and he was the only Speaker who enjoyed the grace of transcending two Assemblies. He made so much impact in peace-building, inter-governmental harmony, capacity building and development of the Assembly as a revered institution and first arm of government. He found me worthy and appointed me as his Political Adviser to contribute my wealth of experience in government in assisting him in the course of his service delivery to the state. Over time he came into greater responsibilities, so he saw the need to consult more and be more careful before taking critical decisions.

At what point did you take notice of his political activities and did you think he will go very far? Do you remember seeing any real potentials in him of becoming a leader in future?

I saw his early foray into politics and his passion and dedication left a lasting impression on me. Even in his youth, he displayed a remarkable sense of purpose and a natural ability to connect with people of all ages. His commitment to community development and his respect for tradition, combined with his ability to inspire and empower others, made me realize that he was a great leader in the making. I had the privilege of witnessing his evolution and I knew that he was destined for greatness. His potential was evident, and I had no doubt that he would make a significant impact in the world of politics.”

It is safe to say that your relationship with him preceded his coming into political reckoning. So with some benefit of hindsight, can you recall what might have motivated him to join politics? Do you think he was cut out for political life?

Yes, our relationship predates his political career. On hindsight, I believe his motivation to join politics stemmed from his long-standing passion for community development and his determination to fight against injustice. He always demonstrated a strong desire to improve on the lives of those around him. This drive, coupled with his natural leadership abilities, made him a natural fit for political life. He was indeed cut out for it, and his commitment to the well-being of others only grew stronger over time.”

As his then Chief of staff, can you say you knew him inside-out? If so, what kind of family man is he, what kind of neighbour was he, friend, principal and so on?

As his former Chief of Staff, I had the privilege of working closely with him and gaining a deep understanding of his character. While no one can truly know someone entirely, I can confidently attest to his exceptional qualities as a family man, neighbour, friend, and leader. He is an exemplary family man, dedicated to the well-being of his immediate and extended family. He goes above and beyond to ensure their care and support. His exceptional organizational skills and meticulous record-keeping are unparalleled, allowing him to retrieve documents of over 40 years in a matter of minutes. He is passionate about education and human capacity building, consistently demonstrating a commitment to personal and professional growth. His thoughtful approach to leadership and dedication to those he serves are truly inspiring.”

Tell us also your experiences after he tested political power. Did he change in some ways from the man you knew?

As he gained more political prominence, he transformed into a more effective leader. He became a better listener, seeking diverse perspectives and advice from others. He was more thoughtful and deliberate in his decision-making, carefully weighing options and considering potential consequences. This growth and maturity were evident in his leadership style, which remained true to his core values while adapting to the demands of greater responsibility. He remained committed to serving the greater good, and his willingness to evolve and improve was a hallmark of his dedication to effective governance.”

When he first came into political limelight as Speaker, he appointed you his Political Adviser. Was it due to your role in his political activities? Then please tell us what your experiences were working with the man before attaining some form of political authority?

When he first rose to prominence as Speaker, he honoured me by appointing me his Political Adviser. This was largely due to our shared vision for the state. Working with him was an incredible experience, as he is a man of exceptional grace and wisdom. Despite being a first-time legislator, he became Speaker within a year and a half, a testament to his natural leadership abilities. He went on to serve six years, the longest-serving Speaker in the state’s history, and the only one to have served across two Assemblies. During his tenure, he made significant strides in peace building, inter-governmental harmony, capacity building, and institutional development. His impact on the Assembly was profound, elevating it to a revered institution and a robust arm of government. I was humbled when he appointed me as his Political Adviser, tasking me with supporting his efforts to deliver exemplary service to the state. It was a privilege to work alongside him, and I witnessed first hand his unwavering dedication to the people and his unshakeable commitment to excellence.

When he says he is made on the street, people have varied interpretations. What do you think he really means by saying that? Why does he say so without apologies?

When he says he was made on the streets, I believe he was referencing to his grassroots upbringing and lifelong connection to the community. He is a homegrown individual who has spent his entire life among the people, understanding their thoughts, values, and ways of life. His ‘street’ cliche is not about involvement in criminal activity, rather his unwavering commitment to fighting against crime and oppression. He says it without apologies because he is proud of his humble beginnings and the wisdom he has gained from his elders and experiences. He has demonstrated his dedication and passion through various responsibilities entrusted to him, which he has handled with remarkable success. That statement is a testament to his authenticity and connection to the people he serves.

Did you ever see it coming that he might one day become Governor? Did he ever discuss the future with you. What about his fears?

I have a divine insight, as a child of God, that he was destined for greatness, specifically the Governorship. I shared this revelation with his wife years before he ever considered running for office. Although he never explicitly discussed his political aspirations with me, I recognized his natural leadership abilities and vision for the future. While we never had a specific conversation about his fears, I knew he was a man of strong faith and unwavering trust in God. I believe his faith gave him the courage and resilience to pursue his goals, even in the face of uncertainties and adversity.”

How does he react when people fail to meet his expectations. How does he handle situations, is he the strict type, workaholic, no-nonsense kind of person?

He addresses shortcomings promptly, providing clear guidance on how to correct them. He sets high standards, expecting others to share his commitment to excellence. While direct and exacting, he is not overly critical, striking a balance between setting high benchmarks and offering support. His focus is on improvement and growth, ensuring the highest level of professionalism and integrity in government.”

How does the MORE Agenda reflect his charcter and values. Did you play any background roles in bringing it to life?

The M.O.R.E Agenda is a testament to his unwavering character and values, culminating from his innate leadership, steadfast beliefs, diverse experiences, and exhaustive research on exemplary governance. This agenda is deeply embedded in his DNA, and he is dedicated to its successful implementation.

As a former member of his team, I had the privilege of witnessing how a robust team of experts contributed to the development of the M.O.R.E Agenda, providing strategic support and expertise to help shape his vision for innovative and inclusive governance. Our collaborative efforts have brought this bold initiative to fruition, and I am honored to have played a role in its creation.”

What kind of leader would he yet be. What kind of future do you see for the state with him at the helm of affairs?

As a leader, he wants to be a champion of the people, a Governor who prioritizes the needs and well-being of Deltans. He is a results-driven Governor, spearheading projects that drive progress and transform lives. With his unwavering commitment to excellence, I see a future where the state becomes a model for exceptional governance, showcasing projects that are benchmarks for quality and innovation. His leadership will usher in a new era of growth, development, and prosperity, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.”

If you are asked to describe him in just a few final words, how best can you do that?

A God-fearing, truth-driven, and indefatigable leader, dedicated to excellence and quality, with a passion for empowering others and delivering exceptional results, never settling for less.

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Achoja Promises Constituents More Effective Representation The member representing the Ethiope West Constituency in the Delta State House of Assembly, Hon Blessing Achoja has said the ranking of the Assembly as the most vibrant in the country is not a hoax. Achoja, who was speaking on the success story of the first session of the 8th Assembly, noted that the bills and resolutions passed by the House were impactful and people-oriented. He added that the cohesion and oneness of purpose of the house were reassuring to the minority camp, where he belonged, while the cordial relationship between the legislature and the other arms of government was encouraging. Achoja described the State Assembly as a united family where every member had the opportunity to grow and excel in the legislative business and commended the leadership of the House for being equitable, fair and just to all,. He said he learnt a lot the few months he was in the House during the first session, assuring that the experience gained would be deployed to his activities in the second session of the 8th Assembly The lawmaker, who is the Chairman, House Committee on Science and Technology, urged Deltans to remain supportive of their leaders at all levels to enable them deliver the dividends of democracy and make life more meaningful to their constituents. Achoja used the opportunity to call on the people of Ethiope West to go about the July 13 local government elections with every sense of responsibility, insisting that the candidates and their supporters must play by the rules and shun violence at all cost.
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