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Friday, March 14, 2025

SECURITY AND WELFARE OF NIGERIANS: The Role of the Armed Forces, Police and Other Security Personnel

By Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Emmanuel Obadjere

According to the general calendar of the Jubillee Year celebration, the month of February is dedicated to issues of security/welfare, the contribution of artists and the ministry of Deacons. The focus on security affords us the opportunity to reflect deeply on the state of security in our country and profer solutions to the worsening insecurity in our land. This is very important because it is only when the security and welfare of everyone is guaranteed that artists, clerics and others can flourish in their respective endeavours.

Section 14(2)(b) of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (as amended) states that the security and well-being of Nigerians shall be the primary duty of the Government. However, this reassuring principle has often been more of a declaration than a reality in Nigeria. Insecurity is crippling the nation, while government officials seem indifferent to the welfare of the people they are meant to serve.

Despite these challenges, Christian hope reassures us that no matter how dire the situation may seem, God, who created us, has not abandoned us. Like the Phoenix, this nation can rise to realise its full potentials and become a remarkable example of beauty and prosperity. It takes a few dedicated individuals to bring about positive change. As St. Augustine once said, the Holy Spirit works best through individuals. We need a collective effort of goodwill to combat the evils threatening the soul of our nation and to rescue it from the brink of collapse, guiding it back to the path of greatness.

Convinced that our hope will not fail us, this piece which examines the roles of the Armed Forces, Police, and other security personnel in Nigeria is put together for our reflection and action in this Jubilee of Hope, 2025. We will first analyse the escalating insecurity in the country and the dire conditions of the masses, which have unfortunately earned Nigeria the unfortunate title of “the poverty capital of the world.” We will establish the scriptural context for this discussion and outline the longstanding teachings of the Church regarding the security and welfare of the people. After identifying the problems within our security architecture, we will highlight the roles that the government and security personnel need to assume. Finally, we will offer practical, actionable points for immediate implementation

Many Nigerians today live in constant fear due to worsening insecurity throughout the country. Whether on the road or at home, nowhere seems safe anymore. High youth unemployment and severe hunger are fueling criminal activity across the nation. It is common to see jobless youths roaming aimlessly and scavenging for food to survive.

Basic social amenities such as safe water, electricity, and good roads, which are taken for granted in many parts of the world, remain luxuries in Nigeria and are often beyond the reach of the average citizen.

Nigeria, specifically Delta State, is being crippled by the nefarious activities of criminal gangs, including bandits, terrorists, robbers, and kidnappers. Particularly distressing is the fact that robbery and kidnapping have become daily occurrences in every neighborhood, and one does not even need to travel on highways to fall victim. Like a creditor on a repayment tour, armed with the residential details of his debtors, criminals now move from home to home—sometimes even with advance notice—to rob, kidnap, and harm innocent Nigerians who are struggling to survive in harsh economic conditions.

Amid all these challenges, the government appears unconcerned and ineffective. The institutions meant to protect citizens are largely inadequate, primarily due to corruption and a lack of penalties that would serve as deterrents. Our situation resembles a painful regression into a Hobbesian state of nature, where life is short, brutish, and nasty.

We are certainly in a precarious situation, and there is an urgent need for help. We do not expect external forces to come to our aid; it is Nigerians who will be the key to saving our nation. Therefore, this piece highlights the role of security agencies in making Nigeria a more secure and prosperous country. First, however, let us reflect on how well God values us in this regard by situating our discussion within Scripture and the magisterial teachings of the Church.

God fed his children with manners in the wilderness, thus demonstrating his concern for their sustenance and well-being. (cf Ex. 16:4). He wills that his children be in good health and prosper (cf. 3 Jn. 1:2). This is why Jesus who came that we may have life in abundance (cf.Jn. 10:10) made liberation from captivity and restoration to wholeness cardinal goals of his mission (cf.Lk.4:18-21). All of these speak to God’s concern for our well-being (welfare). On security, scrupture depicts God as a strong towel under which the righteous run and are safe(Prov. 18:10). God is our protector. He is our buckler and shield (see Ps.91)

The Church’s magisterium has continuously taught about the importance of welfare in our world. Pope Leo XIII in his 1891 encyclical “Rerum Novarum” insists that the welfare of workers should be the primary concern of Government: “At the time being, the condition of the working classes is the pressing question of the hour, and nothing can be of higher interest to all classes of the State than that it should be rightly and reasonably settled.”(no 60) Similar concerns of the church on the welfare of citizens can be found in Pope John XXIII “Mater et Magistra” of 1961 in which the Pontiff insists that a nation should balance economic development with social progress and not sacrifice the welfare of its people for monetary gain. The same theme runs through other social encyclicals like Pacem in Terris of John XXIII, Populorum Progressio of Paul VI etc. Indeed, the welfare of God’s children is of serious concern to the Church. The Church teaches all her members to live by example in our determined effort to better the lot of mankind.

In the Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes, 1965), the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council rightly exhorts Christians to perform their duties faithfully in the spirit of the Gospel. As the Council observes, “one of the gravest errors of our time is the dichotomy between the faith which many profess and the practice of their daily lives” (GS 43). The Fathers remind everyone that the prophets of the Old Testament vehemently denounced such scander(cf. Is.58:1-12) and that Jesus himself, with greater force, threatened it with severe punishment (cf. Mt. 23:3-33; Mk.7: 10-13) This is why Christians in security agencies and Government must be shining examples of right conduct. The Church expects nothing less.

The security agencies in Nigeria are manned by Nigerians. As such, their effectiveness is largely determined by the framework set by the Nigerian constitution. Additionally, it requires a determined citizenry to demand accountability and efficiency from these agencies.

The Armed Forces of Nigeria consist of three branches: the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. The primary responsibility of a nation’s Armed Forces is to defend its territorial integrity against external threats. The Nigerian Armed Forces are regarded as one of the best in the world, as evidenced by the accolades they receive during foreign missions. They are made up of dedicated and patriotic individuals. However, like any profession, there are corrupt elements within the Nigerian security agencies, which present two significant challenges: corruption and underfunding.

Corruption: There are individuals within the Armed Forces, Police, and other security agencies who engage in corrupt practices, undermining the system from within. These corrupt officials may embezzle or divert funds intended for equipment procurement or the welfare of officers. They often resort to extorting money from hardworking Nigerians on the streets and highways. It has become increasingly common for motorists and cyclists transporting goods to be stopped at military checkpoints and forced to pay bribes. Some individuals have been subjected to violence for refusing to “cooperate.” In Nigeria today, it is almost impossible to travel several kilometers without encountering harassment from security officials who are desperately searching for ways to extort money. This pervasive extortion has been aptly described as “the army blocks, police blocks, NSCDC blocks, hunters block, anti-cult blocks, and vigilante blocks.” The intimidation and extortion tactics employed by these corrupt elements cause deep psychological trauma in people and contribute to the violent behavior exhibited by both the youth and middle-aged citizens in Nigeria.

That welfare schemes in Nigeria do not get to the people for whom they are intended is due mainly to corruption. The recent financial scandal at the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs is just reflective of the monumental corruption going on at different levels in Nigeria public institutions. Budget padding, criminal contract inflation/variation, fake contracts, kick-backs or outright embezzlement constitute what has become the grand web of corruption in Nigeria’s public institutions. As a result, social welfare schemes are either sabotaged or their success more visible in the pockets of those who design or execute them.

*Government Underfunding: No institution can function effectively without adequate funding. Funding needs to encompass two key areas: equipment and personnel welfare. Insufficient funding leads to a lack of the necessary equipment for training and operations, as well as poor welfare conditions that impact service members’ quality of life (including insurance, salaries, bonuses, etc.). Upon observing the conditions of many Nigerian barracks for both the Armed Forces and Police, one might wonder what can reasonably be expected from personnel living in such filthy environments. In fact, some Nigerian barracks would not be considered suitable even as veterinary clinics in developed countries. The dual issues of poor funding and welfare are significant reasons why our personnel perform better when deployed abroad compared to their performance at home.

For security agencies to effectively ensure the safety and well-being of Nigerians, the government must first rethink the country’s security architecture in terms of operational levels, recruitment, and training. While it is ideal for a country to maintain a single Armed Forces, a unified police force may not be necessary for a diverse nation like Nigeria. Instead, police and other security agencies should be decentralized for greater effectiveness.

To function optimally, security agencies must first rid themselves of corrupt individuals within their ranks. The government should prioritize funding and the welfare of personnel. Only after these measures are implemented can we realistically expect these agencies to fulfill their responsibilities effectively.

The Armed Forces of Nigeria require serious attention. The increased budget allocations to the Armed Forces in recent years should translate into improved service delivery. Combating external aggression from foreign militias and insurgencies, like those posed by Boko Haram and similar groups, demands a coordinated effort among the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Additionally, funds should be wisely spent on training, equipment, and personnel welfare. These actions will enhance the Armed Forces’ operational efficiency and help restore public confidence. Establishing a viable system for punishing errant personnel will also help uphold the highest standards of professionalism within the Nigerian Armed Forces.

Moreover, police and other security agencies should be decentralized to implement multi-level policing. Once this restructuring occurs, and funding for equipment and personnel welfare is sufficiently increased and managed, overall performance will improve. To ensure accountability, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) must be established to measure the effectiveness of the police and all other security agencies. The lack of these organizational mechanisms has contributed to the police’s inability to curb crime and maintain law and order in Nigeria today.

– The government should increase funding for security agencies and develop mechanisms to monitor the utilization of these funds.
– If you are a member of a security agency, avoid corruption. Be guided by truth, honesty, and patriotism.
– View your security job as a vocation—a calling to instill the values of Christ in society.
– Avoid extorting motorists and cyclists on our roads. The community must rise up to oppose such actions.
– Develop a healthy relationship with security personnel by volunteering information and alerting them to any security threats in your area.
– Pray for our dedicated personnel.
– Encourage community policing; security is a shared responsibility.

In this work, we have outlined the current situation in Nigeria, illustrating the troubling state of citizens’ welfare. We have also highlighted the scriptural foundation for addressing these issues and emphasised how the Church has consistently advocated for the safety and welfare of peoples. Despite the Church’s efforts, the conditions for many Nigerians remain dire. This has been evident as we explored the vital role that security agencies can play in ensuring better safety and quality of life for all citizens.

Moving forward, we have identified action points that can help create a better environment for Nigerians. It is hoped that by adhering to these recommendations, we will seize the opportunity of this Jubilee Year to pray for, encourage, and support the Armed Forces and other security agencies so they can effectively fulfill their mandates.

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obadjere is the coordinator of the Jubilee Year celebration in Warri Diocese.

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