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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Third Eye As Tool For Good Governance, Social Engineering, Personal Enhancement


NIGERIANS are very eager to witness prosperity in their country it is for this reason they discuss the plight of the nation daily on talkshows on radios, television stations as well as the social media.

However, despite all these effort Nigeria is still at a standstill. All the challenges facing us since indepen­dence are still plaguing us.

Well to me, we don’t have to look far for a solution to our recurring problems.

The solution is right inside us as a gift placed there by Almighty God during creation.

The gift I am talking about is that of the Third Eye which He gave to us. He did because He knew that we will face immense troubles in earth with our five physi­cal senses of sight, hearing, sound, taste and touch alone unable to cope. Therefore, ,;He provided us with a spiritual Third Eye

located in between the two eyebrows.

Google explains:” The Third Eye enables man to have inner vision, insight and a higher perceptive ability. Therefore, you have higher consciousness which en­ables you to see beyond the ordinary to access deeper spiritual truths or intuitive knowledge much more than what your five senses can give you. The Third Eye is already there in between the two eyebrows and above the ridge of the nose . But it is dormant. You need to activate it to open it for inner, deeper spiritual vision. Then, it can perform the role designed for it by God for man.”

My experiences in life made me to be a serious stu­dent of spiritualism. That is how I became acquainted with honest Third Eye practitioners. I mean people who can awaken the Third Eye in us.

Now, let us examine the benefits of activating the Third Eye.

Firstly, it gives a person the superior knowledge of being spiritually aware of events within or outside his  immediate environment. This goes a long way to improve his own security and that of the general society. Through an early and easy detection of criminals lurk­ing in the open society and the neighborhoods.

This means Nigeria’s war with the Boko Haram sect, bandits, kidnappers, arsonist, burglars, yahoo boys as well as other hardened criminals will be enhanced.

Secondly, with the Third Eye the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency(NDLEA) will be better empow­ered to apprehend hard drug dealers within the society and at the airport before exporting or bringing them in. There is a need for perfect collaboration between NDLEA’s sniffer dogs and practitioners of the Third Eye to stamp out the illicit trade in hard drugs ln Nigeria.

Thirdly, with the Third Eye the EFCC and ICPC will be in a better position to fish out, prosecute and punish corrupt people successfully

Given this, the disturbing incidence of corruption will decrease considerably.

Remember, corruption is our major challenge in Nigeria today. Aware of this, former President Muhammadu Buhari from 2015 to 2023 said during his inaugural speech: “If we don’t kill corruption in Nigeria, corruption will kill us.”

Simply put, if the Third Eye is diligently applied to governance the looting of our public treasuries will be minimised.

Fourthly, using the Third Eye in collaboration with the modern instruments of governance will enhance the ap­pointment of credible citizens to public offices. Addition­ally, nominations of candidates to political offices will be done in the appropriate way.

Fifthly, when brought into use, the Third Eye will give the government the wisdom to efficiently choose work­able policies, programmes and projects with tremendous benefits to the people. Thus, the issue of failed gover­nance will be a thing of the past. There will be no more abandoned work now found everywhere in the country. Resources squandered on them will be saved for use in more proficient investments.

It is not true that the Third Eye is only for special people.

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